Mission & Core Activities
The National Indigenous Knowledge and Language Alliance (NIKLA) mission is to create an association to unify and amplify the voices of Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) to network and nurture a community of practice related to Indigenous knowledge, cultural memory, language, and Indigenous ways of knowing, as they relate to culture memory and heritage.
Core Activities
The five (5) core activities listed in the constating documents (Charter), in no hierarchical order, are:
Building a community of practice;
Public advocacy for Indigenous cultural transmission;
Professional Development for members;
Scholarship and Grants [when charitable registry is received]; and
Unsettling and disrupting existing frameworks and pedagogy.
These may be changed through Council resolution and Member ratification, followed by updating of the constating documents according to relevant Acts.
In Lieu of a Strategic Plan, the Council worked with members in December 2022 to develop an Action Plan that would serve to move the Core Activities which serve as our Strategic Mission of NIKLA. This Action Plan was developed with the 62 goals for the 5 Communities and Council itself. Community meetings and all member meetings are being scheduled to establish volunteers to begin to tackle the issues across our knowledge and language fields that you told us were important to you. Our projects continue to be active and we will continue to bring updates to members as well.